Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What to wear to a job interview?

You should wear something that shows style and grace yet suitable and professional for your new boss. I love fashion and my friends and family compliment my outfits and creativity with them often. I always dress to impress. Wearing something that is professional is key when approaching a new job. Also depending on the position. But in your case, dress in a way that will show them you think highly of your self and the position you are applying for and that you respect there time. Then add some accessories that show your personality :)... Ive always had great success with the interview process and have been in good standing with all of my previous and current employers. Make sure as well when your in your interview that you are yourself and consider it a time to also evaluate them and see if you would want to work for them. Its as much of an interview for them as it is for you. You most likely will be spending majority of your time working for them.

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