Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why is Greater Vancouver a Risk to Canadian Security and Dignity and what federal action will be taken?

The hockey riots of 2011 in Greater Vancouver are not isolated; do not believe it. My son was running for his life in the middle of that, watching Molotov cocktails being thrown into a car park and people smashing into stores with baseball bats and looting. The local police were not prepared and video footage proves that. Bread and having grown up and worked in the city since the 70s, I know this city too well. Visitors to the Olympics were fooled by the so-called sweetness of Vancouver society. The reality is that there is a lawlessness plaguing Vancouver, Canada, developed and encouraged by Vancouver society on all levels, a great pretence that Greater Vancouver and the BC government have been covering up for generations. Those who showed shock that such things do not happen there are probably amongst the many who turn a blind eye to bullying, unruly youthful behaviour and the like. They are encouraging this in school yards and work places and they call it multiculturalism. My family and many others have fled BC and Greater Vancouver because it has become a nasty place to live and it is not isolated to one ethnic group, but is rampant across the board. Not only has the Vancouver nasty nature been revealled now, but the lack of security and defence of average good people was clear. The police were not prepared. All the signs of trouble were there years ago, long before the previous riots. Greater Vancouver has shamed Canada in front of the world, so now the world knows the truth. Riots and demonstrations there are not uncommon. If this type of aggression and nasty bully attitudes are allowed to continue to rot in Greater Vancouver, it will spread and this is a risk to Canadian security. It is obvious that Greater Vancouver is not able to control its young people or defend the innocent. My son could have been killed and he feared for his life! He tried to stop what was going on around him and there was nothing the poor police presence could have done. Next time, hold major events somewhere else because hockey is not the problem, events are not the issue, winning or losing are not the issue. The issue is that Greater Vancouver is totally out of control in society and the powers that be there are not capable of controlling it as they encourage bad behaviour in regular life.

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