Friday, August 12, 2011

What do you think would be the perfect wedding and wedding gown for Roslin and Adama in Battlestar Galactica?

If Bill Adama and Laura Roslin had had the chance to get married in Battlestar Galactica, what would you think would be the perfect scene and the perfect gown for their wedding? I was just wondering what other people thought. I think the perfect scene would be kind of like the scene at almost the very end of Season 4 when Adama is asking for volunteers to complete the mission to find Hera and Laura weakly walks in and Bill has to help her walk down the rest of the length of the ship. I think Laura's style would be very simple and beautiful. I am not sure about her hair, but I think it should be in a simple up-do with it kind of curly. I don't really know how to explain what her dress would look like. It would be a very beautiful and elegant wedding. What do you think she would look like? What do you think the scene would be like? Remember, Laura would need help walking down the aisle. Bill would probably walk to her and help her and he would say that she was beautiful. But Laura would say, yeah right, I look old and weak and frail.

Cocktails that taste like sweets?! Please answer.?

I'm having two of my best friends over next week for some drinks and I need some tasty cocktail recipes (alcoholic ones please). I already know the recipe for one called Green Slime which tastes like Refresher sweets but I need a few more! Please answer, thanks!

Do you think males ,misunderstand the difference, between maturity and 'getting old'?

Age and responsibility go hand in hand a lot of the time. Being young means being free from that. A lot of older people are just trying to feel young by letting go of the weight they had on their shoulders for so long. If people work hard for a long time, they deserve to feel free and happy later in life.

NBA: Will Wolves be content with their Centers?

Darko and Miller are OK as stop-gaps until Love, Williams, Rubio, and Johnson get older. They can play for 2 or 3 years and then hopefully the Wolves can draft a good C by then.

Is it ok to date my lodger?

The issue would come along if you two do end up dating, and it doesn't work out...would you still (both) be able to handle just being roommates??? Consider that and if you're willing to risk it, then ask her out on an actual date and go from there...

Can you use fudge as a chocolate substitue?

I have some excess fudge and want to use it in cooking but I can't find any recipes with fudge as an ingredient. Can I use it as a substitute for chocolate?

Healthy dessert recipes? Also fun treats!?

I need recipes for healthy low cal desserts I have lots of stuff !:) I tried cheerio treats they were delicious! And cinnamon apples! Any more ideas?

Is it at all possible to totally extinguish one's inner child?

I just don't feel like I have a chance with my crush unless I come across as more sullen, or dark, and all that. I'm younger than him and I'm totally a kid inside. I mean, I have a lot of friends, and I get good grades, so in theory there's nothing wrong, but I guess I'm just too youthful to be worth something to him? I can be hyper or giddy at times, and I've never been one to want to grow up too fast, and one of my friends told me that the only difference between me and his girlfriend is that she's "mature". I'm not a troublemaker or class clown, and I'm actually quite a people-person and diplomatic but... how do I stop being so young at the surface? I've been trying to be more discreet about my likes and dislikes; one of my friends teases me lightly every now and then that I "STILL listen to The Naked Brothers Band", and I'm still a virgin, and all that kind of petty stuff.

If a Church is mostly empty on Sunday, do you consider that Church Spiritually Dead, or just Ineffective?

Many Churches are empty today because they do not embrace diversity, and they are out of touch with the Younger Generation. Young People do not want to go to an Old Time Boring Church, instead they want a vibrant Church that bridges the Generation Gap, with a Youthful Choir and Ministry. The younger generation is more open to diversity than past generations. I think any Church who is not open to diversity and the youth movement will find itself empty at some point in the 21st Century. I have seen this first hand in numerous churches across the land.

Do powerful older men ever wonder if their 20 something wives are secretly repulsed by them ?

I can't imagine they care very much what their trophy wives think but if it were me I'd feel very lonely knowing she was only with me for my moneys

What do you think of the name Lucian? for a boy?

i would pronounce this lucy-en its a fab name,which sounds cool,, it sounds very masculine, modern, mature, formal, upper class, natural, devious, strong, refined, interesting, complex, serious, intelgent ,, hope it hels :D

What can i use wild mulberries for?

so i was outside exploring today and noticed there were berries all over the ground under one of the pine trees! so i looked closer and realized there was a small tree with a ton of fruit on it! i took a berry and some of the leaves and decided from research online they were mulberries! they taste sorta sweet sorta bland so i was wondering what i can use them for recipe wise? thanks!

Grad ceremony dressup?!?

Well if you care more about how you would be looking I'd go with curling it (if it's long enough) but since you're helping out, you could put it into a cute updo or braid-headband.

Recipe for japanese chicken and rice with yum yum sauce?

Anyone know a great, somewhat easy recipe for some good chicken and rice, with the yum yum white sauce?!?!

The infamous hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

He wants kids, I don't. is this a recipe for disaster?

not from experience personally but from family member and classes i recently took all show that this will not end well unless one of you change your mind, because if you have children just because he wants them and you do not like it you will resent him for it, and if you don't have children and he wants them he will leave you for someone who will carry his child, sorry if its bad news just stating what i learned!

Good recipes for hot wings?

I want to know how to make the best tasting hot wings like what you would find at a restaurant. Such as what sauce and how long to cook. Thanks !

Heading to the emergency room soon?

if they tell u 2 take off then u take it off. like the previous answer, they have seen it all!! ur going to hospital for heavens sakes.

Zucchini...I have more with no more ideas?

Make some lasagna and freeze it! It'd be really good with tomato sauce, ricotta, zucchini, and other vegetables!

Why don't the royal house abolish the rule of wearing awkward hats for the young female members.?

After all they have stopped wearing long gowns and such like.Why can't they modernise the dress code.

Lasagna recipe question?

I love lasagna with spinach mixed with ricotta and parmesan cheese, I think if you add more ingredients then the flavor gets all jumbled up so I would make a great big salad on the side with lots of fresh veggies.

Hi, I'm Tommy Genitals. My diabetic cat continues living as though it was a diabetic, youthful puss?

How can I convince my cat, TabbySlacks, to quit eating chocolates and all of the rich sweeties I have lying around and take his insulin. He is extremely stubborn and I am concerned that he may succumb to his condition and force me to bury him in the wine cellar. Any suggestions?

I keep waking up with eye creases?

For the past week or two, I've been waking up with eye creases under my eyes. It is really starting to annoy me because I feel like they're going to stay permanent. My right eye crease is starting to look more prominent than my left one. I try sleeping on my back, but I am a side sleeper, I can't help it. I've tried changing my pillows, sheets, putting eye cream on at night, nothing works. Should I buy the ROC correction eye cream? I'm 27 by the way. Do those creams make it worse or make you look older? I dunno what to do, I would love to keep my youthful appearance for as long as possible. :)

How do you keep the broccoli from getting soggy?

I'm looking for a good Chinese beef and broccoli stir fry recipe (The way they make it for Chinese take out.) Every time my mom makes it the broccoli gets soggy and is not firm like the broccoli from the restaurants. Also, the beef doesn't taste the same (nor do we know how to make the sauce.) Can anyone give me the recipe for Chinese beef and broccoli stir fry takeout/restaurant style? Please and thank you!

Believers, do you have any crow recipes?

Soon we will be called upon to serve a lot of crow to our nonbelieving guests who will demonstrate a ravenous appetite for eating crow. Do you have any good recipes so we might oblige them?

Lobster mashed potatoes recipes?

I'm looking for a good recipe to make lobster mashed potatoes. This is going to be the first time I'll try it so I want it to be good.

If you could sum up the youthful generation in ONE word (born 1990~present) what would it be?

If you could sum up the youthful generation in ONE word (born 1990~present) what would it be? im curious!! :D

Can I use pomegranate sauce as an alternative to soy sauce?

Ok so I want to make a meal for my husband (got married 4 months ago) and I know he likes Chinese food. I'm trying to make sweet and sour chicken with noodles but everywhere I look, they say I need to use soy sauce. Now I don't have soy sauce atm but I have this pomegranate sauce which my mum gave me, so I was wondering if I could use this for the sweet and sour sauce as an alternative maybe? Or if anyone knows a special sweet and sour recipe please let me know. Thanks :)

Would it be sexist of me if I use the Lilith myth for a story?

From what I know about the Lilith mytholgies, you keep creative without going too far off the basics of the mythology. I don't think it's sexist. But then again, even though I'm a woman, I don't sympathize very much with the feminist movement. (It's nothing but a crutch to feminism.) Maybe that's why this book appeals to me.

I have an idea,maybe this will work?

Now is not the time to be modest. The doctors and nurses have seen it all but the gowns are open in the back. I can relate to what you are going through especially if you get lucky and have a cute nurse give you that shot. You could request for a male nurse.

My baked chicken raspberry sauce marinade?

Okay i got it,thanx alot,cant wait to try it...ima get the ingredients for it monday and try it that weekend..cant wait,thx once again...

Is this Ball gown too extravagant for prom?

well I have to disagree with a lot of these people, I wore a dress similar to that to prom my sophomore year and it was totally fine, a lot of other girls did too. Personally I really like the big ballgown type gowns for prom because there aren't very many other times you get to wear them.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What to wear to a job interview?

I'm a 19 year old college student home for the summer. I have a job interview this week with a law firm, but since this is my first job, I don't know what to wear. I want something youthful but still tasteful, and I don't want to dress too warmly... It's summer in Florida. It's hot. Any advice would be appreciated! Whenever I search online I find tips that I think were designed for older people. Thanks.

Will a light tan prematurely age my skin?

not at the moment but in the long run yes every bit of light ages you weather you can tell or not it wont be a biggie go for the tan you sound pale =)

Is this really true or not?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Upside down pineapple cake HELP!?

I'm planning on making this for my mums birthday but she has a particular cake flavour she wants - vanilla. So i've been planning on making her an upside down pineapple cake but, i know how to do the pineapple stuff, i'm just wondering if it's ok to use a different cake mix in there or if you have to use the one it says to use. I don't want to ask her because it will ruin the surprise. So please, do i follow the recipe, or is that just a guide for others who don't have a cake mix already planned?

What music do you consider 'girly'?

List any bands, music artists, albums, songs, etc. you consider to be girly. But note that when I say girly I don't mean preppy, it can mean happy, cute, light, childlike, youthful, stuff like that. :)

Will this idea of mine work?

Yes - your undies will be in the way, and they are not sterile. Sorry, but (no pun intended) you have to grin and bear it. Sorry.

Whats something sweet you can make without cooking in the oven much?

well i want something sweet and its really hot out so i don't want to heat up the house by using the oven. please post directions and recipe if you can

My poem( Empty me) please let me know what you think? if i have talent or not?

I think this is very powerful in it's tone and insightful. I like it because I can identify with the message. Yes, I believe you have talent and the more you write the better the content becomes. Keep it up!!

Witty, youthful home decorations?

Where can I find a website like urbanoutfitters which sells home furnishings which are more playful and less serious?

Can I use Sea salt while on the Paleo diet?

I am trying to try the Paleo diet but I am unsure about all the paleo diet rules and paleo diet recipes. Any recommendations or recipes? Salt free?

Do you take offense when a much older person hits on you?

It's kind of creepy not to mention awkward. Do older women feel undesirable and insecure when in competition with youthful girls in their late teens and early twenties?

What's your simple recipe for mashed potatoes?

you have to buy the right potatos. yucon gold 'yellow' potatos are for mashing. it is the difference between whwther tbe mashed potatos were really good or just ok.

Will this possibly happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What Kind Of Dessert Could I Make?

If you have some baking mix like bisquick or jiffy you can stir up a stiff biscuit dough using the coconut milk, honey, an egg, some cinnamon and then gently drop about a tablespoons worth into hot oil for fritters. Heat up some honey and half and half, and dip the fritters after they cool a bit, set on a rack to cool enough to eat.

Plz help before i go to school.i m so stressed out....?

Do it,and if your friends tease you,just laugh with them,tell them your group was trying to make it comical

How can I have the best skin possible?

Hello so I am 19 years old and I am going to beauty school (either Aveda Institute, or Gene Juarez Academy, I am going in either September or December of this year). I have NEVER been a chain smoker nor a huge drinker. I like to drink every once in a while, I recently started smoking cigarettes, artificial pot, and hookah but I just quit and I feel alive, energized, and great!!!!! I always try to use all natural, chemical and paraben free products (soap, shampoo, lotion, conditioner, makeup, chapstick, sunscreen, body wash, deoderant, perfume, face wash, face masks, etc.) I found out that sun does a lot of damage to your skin about 2-4 years ago and started wearing a lot of sunscreen regularly. Where I live it is cloudy and rainy almost everyday. I basically stopped wearing sunscreen and stopped taking care of my skin the way I should. I want to have young, beautiful, youthful skin forever. In my opinion when I am not wearing makeup I look about 14-16 years old and I am 19!!!! I just need to know the best skin care routines, and the best ALL NATURAL PARABEN AND CHEMICAL FREE products! (When I buy my skin care stuff at the drugstore I try to get: Burts Bees, Aveeno, and Neutrogena.) And which comes first face lotion or sunscreen? How often to apply sunscreen, etc. I just need a lot of good information. Because I want to look like I am 20 when I am 35, thank you so much!!!!!

What can I substitute for pork in homemade baked beans from scratch?

I would like to make baked beans from scratch in my slow cooker. However, I have friends who cannot eat pork for religious reasons and want to know if anyone has any suggestions on what to substitute for the ham hock in the original recipe.

Why do some theists lie by saying "i used to be atheist" or "i used to be gay" or "i used to be a satanist"?

atheism has been linked to higher intelligence so unless they some how became dumber or something that's not really logical. i can understand why theists might become atheist because of youthful indoctrination into believing in god. and as for homosexuality the gay gene has been proven. look it up.(but not from any religious site). and as for the satanism thing they probably didn't worship Satan, they just did things there religion forbids before they joined there religion and then simply label it satanism.

Should I plan a life with him at 18?

Remember, you are both 18, and people change mentally and emotionally through the years. There is no propblem accepting marriage, just make sure you are both on your feet financially. You are both very young, but love lasts forever, but it can wait. Wait until he is sure he knows what he wants to do and pursues it before you tie the knot.

What does young,youthful,spark mean?

This group of people came up to me and told me thats why everyone likes you, you have a young , youthful, spark about you?what the hell does that mean?Is it a it good?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bring me home outfits?

I need some ideas of cute bring me home outfits for a girl. Like smocked gowns etc... Anyone know of any good or popular brands with super cute clothes? And possibly where to buy online?

Please help my mom: what can't she eat and what can she?

She probably can't have food with acid, or things like broccoli that is very abrasive to the stomach, spicy foods. She can have soups, salads, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, meats except salami, pepperoni. There is a lot she can have, breads, pancakes, corn breads etc.Eggs bacon.

What simple recipe should i make?

My parents are going away for a week and my grandparents do not cook. I will only be going to fast food restaurants for presumably every meal. i need some easy and simple recipes that i can make for dinner. can anyone help? please give me the links

I have less experience than my wife, so my opinion isn't worth expressing?

My wife is 11 years old than I am (I'm 32, and she's 43), and we've been married for 1.5 years while knowing each other for about 6. The age difference works out okay because I'm slightly mature for my age and she looks/acts pretty lively/youthful (we meet about halfway haha). We have a difference of opinions I'm hurt but puzzled by. She confident, aggressive, extremely popular, married once before (husband got into drugs), socially skilled, and has been through many relationships. I'm neither very confident nor very popular/socially skilled, and she's the first real relationship (beyond 3 months) I've ever had. She has no respect for or desire to understand my opinions on relationship issues because she says I have no experience base for my opinions. My stance is that 1) a marriage is supposed to be a equal partnership and 2) I don't need experience to have an opinion for what/how things should be done. I do tend to be slightly idealistic. Her lack of respect (as I call it) really makes me feel like a little kid, like I'm married to my parents. What should I do? Thanks!

How to make our cats get used to being around and fine with the new kitten in the house?

It may take some patience on your part, but it can be done. Take a look at They have an excellent article in "Cat Care" on "How to Introduce the New Kitten/Cat to Your Cat." Helpful!

Explain this James Baldwin quote?

Please try to remember that what that believe, as well as what they do and cause you to endure,does not testify to your inferiority but to their inhumanity and fear. Please try to be clear, dear James, though the storm which rages about your youthful head today, about the reality which lies behind the words acceptance and integration

Messed up stuff!!!!! (ghost!!!)?

Ghosts are in fact real. I recently talked to renowned Denver psychic, Rick finbow. Your problem is that this ghost is attempting to contact someone. Ask your grandparents if they had some kind of sibling that died a young age. But the ghost means no harm. However, if the ghost doesn't leave, contact a spiritual psychic that can talk to the ghost, resolve its problem, and get rid of it. Good luck!

Will this have to happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

I'm 13 and i wanna cook a chicken reciepe?

I don`t know one on the top of my head but check out they have every chicken recipe ever! I swear by it check it out now

Opinions on my writing?

well it is quite good i must say, but a little of creativity here and there has helped to enhance the has a small little thing missing that as we can refer in modern language as the 'extra kick' but overall quite good.well done keep writing.9/10.

Should i do this..i m under so much pressure.plz help fast.before i go to school.......?

just over do the part and afterwards just treat it like a joke if anyone gives you a hard time just remember there were other people who did it too.

Plz help i m so stressed out........?

I'm gonna give you some advice, not tell you what to do. I think the idea sounds really cool, and laughing at a comedic poem isn't a bad thing, is it? I think, once you get out there and do it, you'll have lots of fun, and look back thinking, Why was I so worried?. Plus, if you're preforming in a group, you'll have people to fall back on, and well, group together with.

Whats a Good Cooking Cream Cheese?

I'm looking to create a couple recipes that I think Cream Cheese would be perfect for and it's not a case of being able to add it on after but when I cook regular kind it cracks and dries up is there a a cream cheese out there that you can cook with?

What's a good homemade face mask for sensitive skin?

I need a face mask for my skin, it doesn't have a lot of acne but I'd like to get rid of it along with making my face look better. I tend to break out even more with Olay soap so I can only use Dove (both for sensitive skin and it still irritates my skin). Oh and I broke out with a store bought face mask thing that's why I would like a homemade recipe. Please help me find a good homemade recipe for a face mask. Thanks :D

I need a recipe to make an easy snack.?

I have basic ingredients. But I want to make some kind of a snack. It would be best preferred if I don't have to cook. And I don't want a bunch of dishes to clean. Thanks

Eggs for breakfast, recipes?

You can make scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, and cheese. It adds more flavor and textures to the eggs. It's also adding vegetables and dairy.

I am a bit worried about this?

Hi. The key to curing eczema, psoriasis and rosacea is specific attrition of infected cells. Have a look at my blog at a href="" rel="nofollow" Here you will find a therapy, strategy for cure and 2 cures (mangosteen pericarp poultice and 4 days at a warm beach). There may be other cures such as mud bath, sulfer bath/mineral baths (these are untested by me by theoretically possible).

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Good laptop investment? (Hp TouchSmart tm2-2150us)?

for the first writer, the reason it is a slow processor is that it is an ultra low wattage processor. and i would not buy hp, they have terrible customer service and their hardware failure rates within two years of purchase are the worst of the major computer manufacturers.

How should i do my make up with this dress?

I like your idea for the make-up. Instead of gold, I would do a shimmery glittery silvery eye-shadow on the lids of your eye-lids. :) with mascara, foundation, powder, etc whatever you feel comfortable with! I think you will like beautiful! :) and ps i love the dress!!!!!

How much Lye water should be used in Chinese noodles?

I'm trying to make chinese noodles from scratch and I heard lye water was an ingredient. Now, I know it's touchy stuff. Does anyone have a recipe or ratio and know how much to use? Chinese lye is also known as kansui, apparently. any help appreciated. Thx.

How can i manage working nightshift with all the consequences it brings to your health?

hey their...unfortuantely, i work nightshift as a security guard and these are the only hours they have available..i need money so for now im staying here..but i heard working night shift causes weight gain, insomia and the scariest of all AGING FASTER. im terrified of aging faster im only 21 i know im not going to work these hours FOREVER but is it possible to not age faster? how long does it take before you start aging? also, these hours are causing me to get bags under my eyes because when i go home i cant sleep right...yes i know it sucks but i need a job to pay for my new car. yes i know i will look for a new job but for now what can i do? WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS SITUATION.....i dont want to quit, but i dont want my health to deteriote mainly my youthful skin. HELP? THANKS!

Diet-restricted-dip recipes?

Home made salsa is very healthy and easy to make, you can make it spicy or not, it depends on your taste and few calories.

What color tie do I wear under my graduation gown?

our school colors are purple and white so the gown will probably be blue or purple. I'm wearing a white dress shirt underneath but I'm not sure what tie I should wear


i recently found the book series RED WALL!!! and i loved the Tv show as a more youthful kid. but the book i piked up was the prequel to the first book of the saga so to speak. is it or is it not a good idea to read this before actually staring the intended series???? anyone wanna help?

Need help asap! I put too much salt in my recipe....?

I made a tabuleh salad, and put way too much salt in it! What can I do to lessen the saltiness! Guest are going to be here at 1, and I am panicing!!!!! HELP!

When wearing the "wonderful" hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HOw does Victoria Secret "Pink Models look so good in the ads!?

What facial features and body types do you need to be one. The Pink models are more youthful so.... what do they look for!

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

How does one "act their age"? Am I "immature"?

I am in my twenties and have a child of my own, I work with children as well and admit I act goofy and silly sometimes (thats always been my character)...some people have commented saying I act like I'm in highschool and I talk like a "valley girl"...someone recently told me I get overly excited over things--"like a highschool girl"--their exact words...I just really try to stay positive and happy (even though there I times I fake it as I battle with depression)...yet at the same time I don't see the problem with being "youthful" and staying "young" in a sense...I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with me??

What should I buy for my boyfriend on his birthday?

He really loves to cook, and likes to try out new recipes, and sometimes come up with his own. I don't want to just buy him another cookbook, but I have no clue what to buy him. Any ideas?

Wedding dress cosultation?

Of course you can. You should never feel pressured in purchasing anything, especially something as important as a wedding dress.

3 keys to Chicago winning the East?

Rebounding? correct in a few games... Defense? miami is at par with chicago. Carlos Boozer? u are wrong.. He doesnt have the skill to overpower bosh.. And anthony in some occasions.. LBJ can even keep hin at bay..Miami in 6!

Is this a good fix for my cake disaster?

I attempted to make mini pumpkin cupcakes. I went a long with a recipe from pumpkin maker Libby's. The recipe says to use two boxes of cake mix and the pumpkin. But instead of using canned pumpkin I used the canned pumpkin pie mix because I already had it. I made a smaller cake that was successful but the larger cake got burned on the bottom. I took the insides of the baked cake and put it into a pyrex bowl and spread icing on top. It looks decent enough, I have a picture included. Here's the picture link: Do you think this is okay to serve to my boyfriend's family, who I'm meeting for the first time. And just so you know, I'm only a 19 year old college student, not a culinary genius. yet :p Please help ASAP. This cake was just made for tomorrow, the fourth of July.

I can't stand the idea of turning 20. Considering ending my life?

I'm absolutely miserable . I dread being awake every single day. I'm not even 20 and I already hate myself. I do not consider being youthful a valid reason to stay in existence. I'm a loser at 19 year so why would being a 20 year old sloth be any better?

What do you think about this?

The hospital will probably NOT ask you to remove your underwear. For an injection, you just have to pull them down a bit. Don't worry about it. But why do you keep asking this question over and over??

What do u think about this group I`m a member of ? www.pointofimpact05.0rg?

Its a group of 5 of us fire fighters we started after I got into a wreck. We are trying to save the youth of America by traveling around the South East doing presintations to different high schools, churches, youthful offender camps and anyone who will listen to us to help us complete our mission.

When wearing the "wonderful" hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What is a great beef/steak stir-fry recipe?

Basically I would like to know: What is a great beef/steak stir-fry recipe? Probably one with garlic & peppers! Thanks alot

What's Your Sleeping Style?

I normally have my hand against my face and facing towards the wall. But then, when i'm asleep i'm probably in all different positions. Always the side by the wall so I can cuddle up against it so i'm snug. I sleep in my underwear because I don't have pyjamas and don't sleep in socks.

Does anyone have a good recipe for Red Velvet Cake?

Hello, I'm looking for a good recipe to make Red Velvet Cake. I'm planning on making it for my friend and I. Also, how many days will the cake be able to last freshly?

Does the type of person you attract say something about you?

I seem to be creeper bait. I'm really small and energetic, and I look youthful for my age, but you can tell I'm in my early 20s . I get told all the time I'm attractive. yet , the only men who actually pursue me are way men in their 30s and 40s (not interested) , really big guys (not a problem, I just noticed), or guys who aren't doing much with their life. do people think I will be easy because I'm small, or quiet, or what?

Easy sugar cookie recipe?

I would like to make easy sugar cookies. Do you have a recipe that requires no refrigeration for the dough???

Ideas for a Voldemort costume?

I'm going to a HP convention and dressing up as Voldemort and I'm not sure what to wear. I already have a graduation gown which I will wear over whatever I wear underneath but it's just sort of a robe, as in it doesn't tie together at the front. Do you have any ideas? :D I'm a girl by the way, might affect ideas as to what clothes I have lying around :)

How do ageing celebrities maintain such youthful looks?

Thick hair, wrinkle-free skin.... i'm pretty sure surgery done to thicken hair doesn't look all that realistic. Maybe botox helps with skin.... but some of these old celebrities look like they are in their twenties and thirties. How is this possible?

Something easy to cook for dinner ?

I enjoy cooking, but I don't know many things I can cook... Does anybody have any good recipes I could use?

What do you think would be the perfect wedding and wedding gown for Roslin and Adama in Battlestar Galactica?

If Bill Adama and Laura Roslin had had the chance to get married in Battlestar Galactica, what would you think would be the perfect scene and the perfect gown for their wedding? I was just wondering what other people thought. I think the perfect scene would be kind of like the scene at almost the very end of Season 4 when Adama is asking for volunteers to complete the mission to find Hera and Laura weakly walks in and Bill has to help her walk down the rest of the length of the ship. I think Laura's style would be very simple and beautiful. I am not sure about her hair, but I think it should be in a simple up-do with it kind of curly. I don't really know how to explain what her dress would look like. It would be a very beautiful and elegant wedding. What do you think she would look like? What do you think the scene would be like?

Using a messy recipe?

I don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing lazy about using a recipe. Use a recipe or get a cake mix, period. That's how you bake a good cake.

Has time run out for me....?

Its never too late for any thing.You will feel all the spice when you go ahead with what you want to do.

Baking cake question? plain flour to self raising flour?

I want to make a cake but the recipe says self raising flour and i only have plain flour. i need 275g of self raising. how much baking powder will i need? 10 points best answer.

Have Jehovah's Witnesses (The WTBTS) taken the Best Years of your life?

No , they have given me the best years of my life , unlike you so called Christians whose lies drove me to be atheist.

Is the best recipe to use for a bubble solution mixture for a cheap dollar store bubble gun?

just pour a very small squirt of dish soap in a large container of water, mix it a little but don't create suds, then pour it into a bubble wand container. good luck!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ok, I want a tattoo now...?

I'm not nursing anymore, and a test confirms that (sadly) I'm not pregnant again. So I want to get a tattoo. I want it to be about my daughter. No footprints though. Any ideas? My daughter's name is Juliet, which means youthful. I want it bad!! Thanks everyone.

I'm 18 and my fiance is 26. Marriage tips?

i knew him since i was 15 and he was 23 and we spoke long distance for a while til he moved back here when i was about 17 and we dated. i'm so in love with him and i'm dying to be his wife and he wants to be my husband. we invisioned our lives together and we are planning. i know i'm young and he's kinda young too but me and him aren't into the partying youthful lifestyle me and him had to grow up quick yet my family thinks i am too young and rushing things i should set up my career and have fun but i am going to college he's even helping me pay for it but that is still not enough anyway him and i are engaged i want to get married soon. He and i already bought a house he is just putting some final touches to it. he is somewhat of an heir and has money and is always spoiling me with shopping sprees and vacations and cars but I just want him. He's a great guy, simple man, home body and responsible and doesnt have much living family so i'm thinking after the wedding i want to try to get pregnant after a year ..... Is this too soon? he wants kids too about 4. Anyway what can i do in our marriage to keep it long lasting? Will things change after we are finally husband and wife? Tips? i'd love to hear from someone who married young &/ or married someone within a 8-10 age gap?

What are the health benefits of the Paleo diet?

The paleo diet seems like a good natural weightloss diet. I am also wondering about some paleo diet recipes or paleo diet cookbooks

Peom about our soceitywhat do ya think?

The rhyming scheme is sloppy, but it's excellent on my tongue, so it gives me the effect of. There are errors, but I don't even care, because it's great! Don't listen to the mockery, it's a great piece.

Why does this speech matter in Romeo and Juliet?

ok all you have to do is go to and there is a side by side translation that will translate what juliet is sayin in modern language.

How to make a nice-smelling moisturizing hair treatment?

coconut oil, avocados, honey, olive oil(it will smell ok with these) mix these together let set then rinse out and wash hair

How does apple cider vinegar react with baking soda?

Sorry if it's a stupid question. :p I am thinking of making an oatmeal shampoo homemade and found an extremely simple recipe online, but read somewhere else that apple cider vinegar can act as a deodorant and can keep a dog's coat shiny, but before that I'd like to know how it reacts with baking soda, if it's safe to use, and if it is at all toxic. Thanks for your answers in advance.

Did"Modern"Wicca walk away from the words below and is Wicca becoming as splintered as Christianity?

This is the longest version of the Creed I have ever seen. Since Christianity took so much from the old pagan religion I doubt that Wicca will become like it. Has it splintered, in the last 25-30 years I would say it has in the at there are some who believe that it is totally ok to be open and some who still believe in the original Ordains that dictated the secrecy and the reasons for it. But then I became involved about 50 years ago and things were different them.

Dating an older guy? Too old maybe?

Yeah the age gap could make some things awkward. I can imagine he might reference things from long before you were born. Try it out, though. It's only a decade, really, and the older you get, the less it will matter.

Is the best recipe to use for a bubble solution mixture for a cheap dollar store bubble gun?

just pour a very small squirt of dish soap in a large container of water, mix it a little but don't create suds, then pour it into a bubble wand container. good luck!

Spa ideas and etc. anyone know anything?

Anyone know any home made facials for oily or combination skin also i heard about boiled apple and milk facial anyone know the recipe for this umm... i also want to know if anyone has any cool makeup tricks ideas also what colors would be good for me i have brown hair green eyes light skin

I am looking for a recipe of sweet pickles with cucumber, pearl onions, cauliflower?

My husband used to love some pickles he got at a bbq restaurant that went out of business. Does anyone know what the pickles are called or who makes them?

Is there fat in egg whites?

I was looking up fat free cookies and I was wondering if egg whites had fat in them or if I would add them as the recipe said if it would add fat

Will this have to happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Would it be okay for me to get a piercing, and why are so many opposed to piercings on 13-14 year olds?

I am a 13 year old female, and so you know what you are answering, I have pretty much an adult maturity level. I can definately be trusted by others who know me. I am a straight A+ student for the most part and consider myself very respectful and thoughtful. I have been doing research for a past 2 years now into care and possible problems, how to fix them and how to prevent them.I want this not to be popular or follow a trend, not for attention, not even really for expression( how can you really express feelings by a hole in your body? Tattoos, maybe but not this) This is what I want purely for aesthetic reasons. I know my tastes may change, but if they do I can take the piercings out. The same principle applies to jobs, careers, etc. I feel like scars won't matter because they will remind me of more fun, more youthful times in my life when I could do things like this. I also feel that no matter what, I will be comfortable in my skin. To give you a clue about my personality, I am the shy, semi anti-social type with somewhat odd, contradictory interests that doesn't give a hoot about it when people judge me, but I still try to stay respectful and not judge other people or be rude to them. Confidence is key. I would also, however, like to understand reasons why people would say no to a peircing. 'You're too young" is much too vague, IMO. I don't believe that it could be said that a person my age can't make their own decisions, either, because obviously they could make the decision that they wanted the piercing and are willing to endure that pain to get it. If the reason they want it is vain and impulsive, I get that some people would disagree with it. But why do so many people say no, even when it is evident that much thought has been put into a decision? Though piercings, especially facial ones, were not mainstream in the '60, '70, '80's per se, they are now. Please answer this question by RESPECTFULLY stating your opinions as clearly as possible. I do not want my decision to be too biased, I don't want to get this piercing if the only opinion I hear is my own. Try to answer as thoroughly as you can, and due to the serious nature of this decision, all answers whether in my favor or not, will be shown to my parents and reviewed extensively. Thank You and God Bless.

I am considering buying a new wedding gown online....?

I am considering purchasing a new wedding gown off or Has anyone bought their wedding dress here? Were you satisfied/impressed? Why or why not?


Im making a guacamole/brushetta recipe for a party tomorrow.. I wanted to serve it over italian bread and the drive is an hour away and i cant do it at the party.. im afraid it will get soggy?

Raw dog food diet help?

Getting an australian shepherd and going to feed it a raw diet. What must be in it? I'm feeding my dog like the wild, so don't say any supplements please. Any percentages or things that need to be in it. Do you have any recipes that can be fed to an Aussie? Also can I have how many servings are made? Thanks so much. Where can I buy the ingredients too?

Can i use ready made polenta to make corn bread?

If you mean a package that says polenta to which you have to add water, you can probably use it. The corn meal will be finer than the regular corn meal you would use for corn bread. If your talking the molded prepared polenta that comes in a log, you can't use that. You would be better off buying regular corn meal that has the corn bread recipe on the package or pick up a corn bread mix at your market.

I'm worried about this?

Your privacy will be handled delicately. You will be permitted to wear your underwear. Even if the injection was to be put in one buttock, they would only have to pull a section away from the area. No worries.

What is the song on this advert?

I was watching the TV when I saw the Corsodyl advert about how bleeding gums lead to tooth loss. Basically there is a woman who puts on her dressing gown,takes off her make up and false eyelashes and fake tooth. But the song in the background is a cover version of tainted love by a female singer, it's slowed down and is mainly piano but I can't find it anywhere :( does anyone know who it is?

I used hair removal cream on my air and it has gone weird! HELP!?

i used hair removal cream on my arms, i applied it will my fingers, i got in the shower to wash it off, but the hair wont come off, i used Nair, and it has all stuck togethern and stuck to my skin, and if i wear my dessing gown, it sometimes tags onto it, and it hurts, like bad friction, please help, did i leave it on too long? what can i do????

What do you think would be the perfect wedding and wedding gown for Roslin and Adama in Battlestar Galactica?

If Bill Adama and Laura Roslin had had the chance to get married in Battlestar Galactica, what would you think would be the perfect scene and the perfect gown for their wedding? I was just wondering what other people thought. I think the perfect scene would be kind of like the scene at almost the very end of Season 4 when Adama is asking for volunteers to complete the mission to find Hera and Laura weakly walks in and Bill has to help her walk down the rest of the length of the ship. I think Laura's style would be very simple and beautiful. I am not sure about her hair, but I think it should be in a simple up-do with it kind of curly. I don't really know how to explain what her dress would look like. It would be a very beautiful and elegant wedding. What do you think she would look like? What do you think the scene would be like?

Does anyone know any authentic mexican recipes?

Any vegetable sides or something with chicken would be even better, but ill take any recipes that are not too complicated.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do I have to put the chips in this blondie recepie?

No, but it might be kind of boring and blah if you don't unless you plan on frosting it with either chocolate, caramel or peanut butter frosting.

How can i mange working nightshift despite the consequences it brings to your health?

hey their...unfortuantely, i work nightshift as a security guard and these are the only hours they have available..i need money so for now im staying here..but i heard working night shift causes weight gain, insomia and the scariest of all AGING FASTER. im terrified of aging faster im only 21 i know im not going to work these hours FOREVER but is it possible to not age faster? how long does it take before you start aging? also, these hours are causing me to get bags under my eyes because when i go home i cant sleep right...yes i know it sucks but i need a job to pay for my new car. yes i know i will look for a new job but for now what can i do? WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS SITUATION.....i dont want to quit, but i dont want my health to deteriote mainly my youthful skin. HELP? THANKS!

How do I get Ars Arcanum for Ventus in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep?

You need to level up all your ingredients before you do anything. Get all those up to their highest level. You should be able to make the command after that.

How should I do my hair for my graduation dance?

For my graduation dance, I'm wearing a strapless black dress. I don't know what to do with my hair...should I simply curl it and leave it down? Or should I put it up? Twist it into a chignon? A braided updo? Messy bun? I really don't know. My shoes and dress are kind of fall/wintery so I want a fun, youthful hairstyle. The problem is...I don't know what to do. Any suggestions with pictures would be great! Thank you! :)

The infamous hospital gown?

Any time I've had an injection in the hospital, they have only moved down the waistband of the underwear until enough of my buttocks were exposed so the shot could be administered. Not removed them entirely.

Samara from the ring costume/cosplay?

I wanna know where I can buy a Samara costume?? I already have a wig, but I am having trouble with the dress/gown... do you know where I could buy one? Thanks!!

A summary for The Beatles - is this good? 5 STARS FOR BEST ANSWER!?

Over all it's pretty good! If you want to you can add that Ringo was actually born as Richard Starkey, and Paul was born as James Paul McCartney. Also you might want to mention there last public performance on the rooftop of Apple records and the popularity of The Beatles Rock Band. Hope this helps! Peace!

Recipe for fresh homemade Mexican tomato salsa?

If you want a raw version: chop some yellow chile, jalepeno chile, chopped tomatoes, chopped cilantro, salt to taste. You can also add some avocado.

What would you rate this story? ( long please read)?

It is a very good story, and I hope you stick with it. There are a lot of grammar errors, and I would like to know the main character's name as well. Another thing I wanted to know, was what were the "clears", and why did they pick your main character to beacome one?

How long can powdered (canned) milk last?

I would throw it out. If it was in the garage the temperature probably fluctuated quite a bit so it probably wouldn't be adviseable to use it in anything. It's 15 years old. I would definitely throw it out. Better safe than sorry.

There's a potato salad recipe i want to try but it calls for thyme.?

I'm not a big fan of the thyme, should i just omit it or substitute something for it? It also has lime in it, maybe cilantro? I'm new 2 this cooking stuff

What can I make with these ingredients?

You can make an omelette. Depending what you want in the omelette, you can add shallots or spring onions, cream (or use milk), tomatoes, cheese. If you have any ham that is a bonus. :)

16th birthday cocktail party HELP?

What to do for a cocktail party for my 16th birthday. Need recipes for the cocktail and what ones to serve. Idea's for decoration also what people should wear.

What should ido.//??????????

I;m a very childish 24 yr old man i literlally think i;'m still a kid.,I have a youthful face but i;m 6 foot and i i;ve never had a girl;friend.

Will this idea of mine work?

just suck it up and take them off. doctors see lots of naked ppl, so it's not big deal. plus, you'll probably never see them again

I look really immature and it makes me feel terrible?

okay lately I have been feeling really down about how I look but like, it's not just about how I look. I don't have an issue with my body shape or face or hair or legs or anything like that, I've learnt to accept that stuff. but it's just like, I'm really... small. I'm really short, people often when we're talking they're just like "you're so short!" I don't know exactly my height but it's tiny, I'm like the 4th shortest in my year. my boobs are also really small like an A cup and they're really far apart so I can't even get cleavage with a pushup bra. my face is also really youthful and young looking. all of these things I wouldn't mind by themselves but together they just make me look really young and immature. I'm 16 and a lot of people often think I'm 12-14. I have no hope of lying about my age to get into clubs and stuff like my friends because I just don't look old enough. this has really been getting me down lately, I feel like I'm too immature and that I need to grow up but I don't know how/ what to do. I know that when I'm older I'll appreciate it and stuff but for now it's really hurting me. my friends always joke about me being so small and not having boobs. girls are always complaining about being 'fat' and stuff like that and it's just like, at least you actually look like a woman, I just feel like a little kid all the time.

Let my life long friend's 17 year old little brother kiss me the other night when i was drunk, help?!?

Right ok so my friend ive knew forever (who is my age, 20 and male) and our mutual friend (who's 19 is another girl like me) were having a drink at HIS house (his parents were away) after id been to work all day. Id had no sleep the night before bear in mind. So I went they'd already started drinking and were at least 1 drink ahead of me so I poured myself a pint of mine and rank it pretty quick, felt fine. anyhoo over the next hour his younger brother who's 17 came in said hiya to us and went out the room. All cool, then my friend (the girl) went downstairs and was talkin to him while he was on the computer and we all get on ok anyway. I went in there and we were talking and drinking and after some time my friend the girl went to keep our other friend company and see what he was up to, anyway before i knew it i was pretty drunk and me and him had been sat alone talking for a while and just listening to music while he was on the pc and eating a pizza lol, he offered me some of it i probably should have said yeah and i might have been in a much better state later in the night. So i needed a cigarette and couldnt find my so talking him into saving me half (he had 3 in total, and we had to go outside for it) so we went out the back chatted fine and before i knew it it was like playfully chatting and flirting and he kissed me! (i was really tipsy though) and we were kissing loads it felt fun but risky as the others couldnt know and they could come look for us anytime. I remember our female friend came out and we were in a corner of the yard near the rabbit hutch and somehow we managed to make it look innocent ha..we all went in i was the last of us going up the stairs and he was touching my hands i think from behind his back as the girl mate was the first up the stairs. we all went in MY lad friends room and just sat around again listening to music and me and this guy were both in there (me still real tipsy) things happened, 3 of us ended up hanging in and out the 17 year old brothers bedroom. and he kept making comments that i was sleeping and staying in his bed and stuff. a couple of times we were alone and just kissed and i'm sure he had ideas to do more given half the chance but i wouldn't... and couldn't anyway as i was on my period at the time of all this. but i keep getting flashbacks of parts after this i dont know if he put his hands down my trousers which im pretty mortified about tbh but i vaguely remember him saying "theres no blood" and i said "there will be, trust me"...its so blurry and was the moment i woke up in his sisters room. There was blood on her dressing gown and i cant remember getting there or the last parts of the night. I went to bed alone but i dont remember or anything which is bothering me so much. it feels like because i know him i cant live with little parts of my memory on it being missing. I pass this guy atleast once a week sometimes more just going out my house. other than that im going on holiday with his sister in october and have to go to their house sometimes and its gonna be so awkward now if i see him there. Anyone who reads this what would you suggest i do or play it now? to stop any further embarrassment to myself or him really, because theres nothing i can do to change whatevers happened now. I dont think anybody else knows what happened like my friends or his parents im sure someone would have said something by now if so!! D: Any suggestions or comments or anything anyone? apart from stupid ones, tar! :)

Potato scones recipe goes wrong twice in 2 month!! why?

Add one egg to the mixture as well to bind all the ingredients more. I don't understand why it is turning into batter since you are not adding much liquid to it. Add a good amount of flour to begin with and don't over mix the ingredints with your hands to keep the dough quite firm and in the shape you want.

Is there a particular nail polish color that makes you look younger ?

NOt younger, but more youthful I mean. Pale pink perhaps ?? I've been told that I wear colors like a granny but I'm only 19 lol

What do you think would be the perfect wedding and wedding gown for Roslin and Adama in Battlestar Galactica?

If Bill Adama and Laura Roslin had had the chance to get married in Battlestar Galactica, what would you think would be the perfect scene and the perfect gown for their wedding? I was just wondering what other people thought. I think the perfect scene would be kind of like the scene at almost the very end of Season 4 when Adama is asking for volunteers to complete the mission to find Hera and Laura weakly walks in and Bill has to help her walk down the rest of the length of the ship. I think Laura's style would be very simple and beautiful. I am not sure about her hair, but I think it should be in a simple up-do with it kind of curly. I don't really know how to explain what her dress would look like. It would be a very beautiful and elegant wedding. What do you think she would look like? What do you think the scene would be like?

Cooking recipes when you have little money?

I'm a single mother on Centrelink payments. I'm looking for recipes on a very tight budget. (I'm not looking for judgement just advise) Thank you!

Does this mean I didn't forgive them or was this unforgiveness that I wasn't aware existed?

Get out of this situation immediately. Look for a crisis center, leave home if you are of age. Good luck.

How do I become immortal?

It's always been my highest priority to find a way to become immortal. Of course the most popular lore concerning this is becoming a vampire, but it doesn't have to be that for me. I also don't want to be like in a wheel chair living forever, so I guess I mean "eternally youthful." If you know a way and don't want to post it publicly, email me at

I want a raspberry smoothie but i DON'T want banana in it.. Suggestions?

I've looked online and can't find a raspberry smoothie recipe that doesn't have banana in it. Banana just over powers it.. I need help!!!

Older men frequently hit on me...thoughts as to why?

Whenever I go to gay bars, which isn't very often, I frequently get hit on by older men. I never go alone, but I find that if my whoever I'm with gets up for some reason, such as to get another drink or use the restroom, an older man usually comes and hits on me. It's usually really overt, a little uncomfortable, but when whoever I'm with returns, the older guy scrams... I just wonder what it is about me that older men gravitate towards, or if others of you experience this as well? I think it might have to do with the fact that I look really young...? I am 22, small, thin, nice skin, big eyes...perhaps it's the youthful features that attract them...I'm really not sure. Interested in any thoughts.

How does jlo still manage to look so hot even at 41?

look at her in the song on the floor...its amazing how she still manages to look so beautiful and youthful

Nondairy dip recipes?

So, does anyone have any nondairy recipes for dips that I can use, because mom is one of those crazy moms who thinks I'm allergic to milk, corn syrup, citrus, and other various things, and I never get to eat any of the tempting foods in the house. Try to not include things like tofu or anything but soy-milk.

Have you had a CT Scan. Yes? Answer this please?

I have had a few and they were in all robes except for one where I wore jeans and shirt. The nurse commented on my shirt and made sure that the buttons weren't metal but didn't comment on the pants.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why is Greater Vancouver a Risk to Canadian Security and Dignity and what federal action will be taken?

The hockey riots of 2011 in Greater Vancouver are not isolated; do not believe it. My son was running for his life in the middle of that, watching Molotov cocktails being thrown into a car park and people smashing into stores with baseball bats and looting. The local police were not prepared and video footage proves that. Bread and having grown up and worked in the city since the 70s, I know this city too well. Visitors to the Olympics were fooled by the so-called sweetness of Vancouver society. The reality is that there is a lawlessness plaguing Vancouver, Canada, developed and encouraged by Vancouver society on all levels, a great pretence that Greater Vancouver and the BC government have been covering up for generations. Those who showed shock that such things do not happen there are probably amongst the many who turn a blind eye to bullying, unruly youthful behaviour and the like. They are encouraging this in school yards and work places and they call it multiculturalism. My family and many others have fled BC and Greater Vancouver because it has become a nasty place to live and it is not isolated to one ethnic group, but is rampant across the board. Not only has the Vancouver nasty nature been revealled now, but the lack of security and defence of average good people was clear. The police were not prepared. All the signs of trouble were there years ago, long before the previous riots. Greater Vancouver has shamed Canada in front of the world, so now the world knows the truth. Riots and demonstrations there are not uncommon. If this type of aggression and nasty bully attitudes are allowed to continue to rot in Greater Vancouver, it will spread and this is a risk to Canadian security. It is obvious that Greater Vancouver is not able to control its young people or defend the innocent. My son could have been killed and he feared for his life! He tried to stop what was going on around him and there was nothing the poor police presence could have done. Next time, hold major events somewhere else because hockey is not the problem, events are not the issue, winning or losing are not the issue. The issue is that Greater Vancouver is totally out of control in society and the powers that be there are not capable of controlling it as they encourage bad behaviour in regular life.

Im looking for some popular french classical music.?

I think you misunderstand what classical music is because neither Sarah Brightman nor Jackie Evancho sing classical music (apart from murdering the occasional operatic aria). They are 'crossover' artists and, as such, are pop artists. Try posting your question in 'Rock and Pop'.

I'm terrified of getting old?

Bah my mum's awesome. Just because you have bad thoughts of your parents doesn't mean you should extend that bad feeling to your own kids.

Are there any real life princesses/royalty that are like the disney princesses?

Present day princesses still dress up for official occasions, and they may wear gowns for balls at court etc. You might cheer your daughter up perhaps by showing her a video of the recent royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Kate looks very princessy in that.

So who is the better fighter, Juan Manuel Marquez or Victor Ortiz?

overall juan manuel marquez is the more established fighter. ortiz could be more dangerous at this point. the main thing to me is that we now really don't know how good andre berto ever was. was he really this dangerous contender that mayweather nor pacquiao wanted any part of, or was/is he a skilled, but somewhat overrated fighter?

What do you think of this story so far? Would you want to read more?

I really like this story! Nasir Jones is mostly wrong. You do have a lot of awesome description and word choice, and that's great! However, in a couple places, it did seem like you were trying too hard. But, those places could easily be fixed, because the reason it seems like you're trying too hard is just because not all of the writing is on the same level. Your word choice and descriptions- amazing. Your grammar use and sentence structure- sub par. The only reason the word choice seems like too much is because it is better quality then the grammar you use. You have several grammar mistakes, run-on sentences, and a couple of sentence fragments. But, those are really easily fixed. Once your grammar use matches up to the amazing level of description you use, it won't seem awkward anymore and will be a really good story that I would definitely want to read on.

Mom and family thinks Im going to turn into a whore :(?

Tell her that your clothes will not change who you are. If you were a whore you would already be slutting around and going behind your parents back with trampy outfits. Tell her that you just feel ugly because your constantly dressed in ugly clothes. Maybe you can convince her to let you have more control one step at a time. Like first she could let you wear mascara, then shorts, then heels, etc.

Wedding Gown Consultation?

I am getting married in May of 2012 and wanted to start shopping for a wedding dress. Does a consultation at a place like Davids Bridal charge you to make an appointment and try on their dresses?

Do you think a candidate can capture the young vote with this?

A candidate might be able to capture the youth vote with that position but they would lose those gains and older voters.

What is the most supported bra out there for a 40DD?(5 stars for best answer)?

I have some bras from victoria secret but there not that supportive I'm only 14 so I want to you know still be youthful so whats the best for me

Need good recipe for watermelon?

I ate some nice juicy watermelon at my friends house the other day. Now my in-laws are coming over and I want to make a watermelon but I don't know how? someone told me that I need to soak a cantaloupe in tomato juice then it's done? is that true?

How does this sound where do it need improvement?

Asking for help, whether you're 12 or 30 years old, isn't asking a question. You need to ask a specific question and not make a request that someone go over your poem looking for things to improve because you need an A. This isn't the homework section.

Did your parents ever threaten you with capital punishment for your youthful bad behavior?

Humm , where do I start ( lays back on couch and folds hands ) , you see When I was young I wasn't a BAD Kid ! I was just born into an unfortunate situation . Because of that I often was treated as if everything that went wrong was my fault . So when you say BAD BEHAVIOR , I say I REBELLED ! I have to say though anything I did was always for attention and reaction . When you have Divorced parents and a Mother who is Self Involved, Self Absorbed and a Father (Sperm Donor as I call him ) who is MIA in your life .You tend to NOT get much attention and the lack of, can lead a person to do somethings that would get her attention . I'll just leave it at that until our next session !

Is the convince of a laptop enough to buy one?

I'm very happy with my desktop but sometimes I hate having to go to my room to use it. If I'm in the kitchen or living room or outside sometimes I'd like to check out stuff like recipes, celebrity names or a mysterious bug or plant. But I'd have to go in my room to do it. I don't want to sound lazy but a laptop would be good for these types of moments. But is that good enough reason to buy one? I don't care about harddrive size or downloading pictures and songs or any of that other stuff because I'm basically only going to use it for research or to talk on social networks and forums (the same as a desktop).

Would you buy this book ?

I lost 104 lbs as a single mom of three in the middle of a divorce and going to school and working full time. I did it by changing my life style and sticking to certain food groups and preparing healthy meals. I have had a lot of people tell me I should right a book, kind of a diet/inspirational sorta thing. With tips, recipes and guide to loosing weight. I'm wondering if this sounds like something people would be interested in ?

Older people nowadays are using unfair tactics to beat and push out younger generation?

I have a feeling that older people are somehow different in the current times than they used to be in earlier generations. I remember my grandmother - how she was with me and my mother. I feel in those days elders sacrificed for their younger generation, rejoiced in the uplifting of their offspring and their children, did everything to make sure that they were successful. They did not care about their selves. They were in turn well looked after by their offspring also. Nowadays, I see that the oldies are competing or fighting or cheating or stealing or tricking their own offspring or grandchildren, act as if they are Gods and we are all mistakes of some kind and that old is gold and we are all trash and don't deserve anything. I think they are trying to bring back a Lost Horizon kind of scenario where the old live great lives never ending and youthful for ever using some drug and the youth never get the time and resource that is rightfully theirs in turn to use to work, live, shine, come up, enjoy life etc but have to be at the will of the oldies -- do as I say, be under my beck and call and order or else perish.. I think the current oldies are turning into selfish old monsters with no care for anyone but themselves..

How do you half an egg when baking?

I am making cupcakes but only half of the recipe. The original recipe calls for 3 eggs. How do you only use 1 1/2 eggs? Can you compensate with a different ingredient? Thanks for the help!

Help with wedding gown style?

Congratulations! I really like the arms on the dress and I think they'd look lovely, if your church is conservative have the lace sleeves but without the collor, have a square-ish neck line as this will show skin but also look more reserved have a simple yet glistening necklace that will draw into the neckline, have an understated bottom half of the dress unlike the photo, have it floaty but slightly pinned in so you show your figure but also have room to move about, if you have some little tiny gems scattered over the bottom part of your dress then this will add glamour but also look so delicate and dainty, have a little tiara, and enjoy your special day, congratulations girl! xxx

Friday, August 5, 2011

Intolerable cruelty wedding dress?

I'm going to be having a small wedding and wanted to wear something like Catherine Zeta Jones did when she got married to George Clooney. I can only find gowns when I search for any type of wedding dress so can anyone help me find something like that dress either by suggesting a store or a website? Thanks!

Heading to the emergency room soon?

Since your rear is...injured, they'll probably make you take off your briefs. In general, they'd let you leave them on until the time came to do surgery or whatever, but in your case I doubt you'd get to keep them on at all.

Does tie dye cake work with normal recipe?

The recipes online say that you add one can of sprite to a white cake mix, but that doesn't sound like it would taste good at all. Does the tie dye effect still work if I make the cake batter according the box?(with the eggs, water, and oil)

What can I add to this recipe and how long can I bake it for?

You could try adding soy sauce. Marinading it overnight will give the chicken time to absorb the ingrediants. You can bake or grill it just until the chicken is cook.

Adding shrimp to pasta? Please help?

i would say just cook them on a stove top w/ olive oil and lightly seasoned with maybe like some garlic and a lil onion powder an a touch of ground red pepper and mix it in.. i think some boneless skinless chicken chopped and cooked the same way would b a good sub as well

The infamous hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs) have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

If I'm 52, why then am I only attracted to 18 and 19 year old girls?

Personally, I think women are most attractive when their age ends with a 'teen' except for 13 & 14 year olds who are a bit too young for me. I prefer 18 & 19 year olds because they are legal and have enough maturity to have a conversation and a relationship with but still maintain their youthful looks and girlish charm. No, I'm not a pedophile. The legal age in many countries is 14 and it is commonplace in many middle eastern countries for a man my age to marry a teenager.

Good recipes using fudge?

I have some excess fudge received as presents and I wanted a recipe using fudge to turn it into a nice cake or something along those lines. It's just normal chocolate fudge.

Is this really true or not?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Jaw bone deterioration rate from extractions?

I have 3 extracted teeth and I'm 21, how fast will I lose parts of bone in my jaw? I got my teeth pulled 1 1/2 years ago and wondering how long I can enjoy my decent looking youthful appearance before I get doomed to ugliness when I'm older? No I cannot afford dental implants but I might be able to in like 5 years...

How to Get Clear, Glowing Skin?

What can I do over the summer to make my skin look very clear and soft and beautiful. I'm 14 and have some zits and acne scars. I heard things like drinking water and exercise help. How should I do this and what else can I do to make my skin look radiant and youthful?

Help with a singer/songwriter stage name?

I'm no expert but what I would do is choose something about yourself, like "gentle" or "Quiet" or something about your music. Enter this in a Word-processor (like MS Word) and use the Thesaurus to give you some variations that you could put a name too. I actually did this for you and came up with a great name "Melody Rich". Well maybe not. I actually like Katie Beth and Katie Rose.

Will this possibly work?

haha ummm not sure it's worth a shot i guess, besides the nurse could just pull them up a bit and stick ya with the needle. so go for it.

Is this really true or not?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Can I make a pie filling without butter?

I don't think you can? If you wanted something a bit healthier than butter, then I suggest Canola Oil. It's delicious and much healthier.

Will this have to happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Easy quiche recipe? Meatless?

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Salsa question, please help?

Hi, I need a recipe to make healthy salsa? I have tomatos, peppers, spices, and I can get other ingrediants too. Any ideas?

Hun Xiang. What is that called in English? It is I think an asian vegetable.?

Hun Xiang is wat I know it is to be called in Mandarin. It's used in dumplings mostly I think, I wanna give my friend a recipe with that and mayo spread onto salmon and baked, but I have NO idea wat it's called in English nor can I find it on google.

Are Horoscopes Accurate?

Horoscopes give you very broad answers, you will always find something in it that sort of kind of fits into your life. That's when you start thinking that since this one thing fits then it all must be true. So it will all depend on how much power you put into the horoscope, if you believe it to be true then it will be.

Can anyone provide me with a good easy recipe for a snack?

I need a good yet easy recipe for a light but tasty snack. It should be easy and the ingredients should not be so far-fetched.

Did I grow too fast, is this going to be a problem?

I was just watching a TV show, and there were girls that still weren't through with puberty when they were 16, I'm going to be sixteen next month, and I'm finished growing, I haven't grown since 7th grade, I started my period around my 8th birthday, I'm still petite in the waist, but I've been in a B-cup (Yes my boobs are small, I know) , And my butt has been huge (I have a Kim Kardashian donk -____-) since 7th grade as well, I'm only 5 two and a half, and am not growing anymore, did I grow up too fast if I was already this size at 13? And haven't gown? Will this later on effect me, and is it normal?

The infamous hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What To Bake For 4th July?

very easy desert that I will be making today! Buy a box cake mix and a container of vanilla frosting. Bake the cake in a rectangular baking dish. After it cools put the frodting on then get some fresh blueberries and strawberries and do alternate line to make an american flag!

Supermarket top sirloin?

At the supermarket, they sell top sirloin for really cheap, like $10 for a ton of meat. Now i know that top sirloin is a cut of steak, but the ones at the supermarket doesn't look like a steak because there is no marbling. So my question is, what is this slab of top sirloin used for? Any recipes? Thanks

What is your favorite rum cocktail?

hey yall im going to VA beach with my wife and we just bought a gallon of bacardi light rum. I just wanted to know what is your favorite cocktails? im thinking sticking with mojitos and daquiris but if u know any others u like let me know and the recipe. Or if u have a good recipe for mojitos and daquiris let me know as well THANKS!

How to look younger - 10 Points?

Make sure you drink lots and LOTS of water. SPF of minimal 30 is important even when there is no sun...there will still be UV rays.. dont smoke...dont drink and use a facial moisturizer that has beta hydroxy to speed up skin cell renewal... ALWAYS wash your makeup at night no matter how tired you are :) Hope this helps

What kind of jewelry should i wear with a dark blue/black dress?

its a strapless, dark blue dress, with a cutout at the side of the gown, and it has a few dark blue/gray gemstones, im planning to wear my hair up

What should I do? HELP!!!?

This is probably now what you want to hear. In your relationship, you're still in that honeymoon stage where everything is perfect and amazing and you feel like nothing can ever go wrong. I think that since it is his first relationship, he probably has no idea what to do with this new separation. You will both find that different interests will take you different places, and its also an important time to be on your own and grow by yourself in college. This does not mean you need to break up. But please explore the relationship and give it more time before you make a huge commitment like marriage at such a young age and small amount of time in your relationship. Also, give your relationship time before anyone moves anywhere. Hope this helps.

Any thing I can make with the following?

Im pretty bored today and I feel like baking something. Is their anything I can make with quick oats, brown sugar, nuts, flour, egg? Its ok if the recipe has a few other ingredients, but please give it quickly! thanks! =)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tips for maintaining youthful looking eyes?

Not like expensive creams that you slab on and go to sleep in, but little tips you can do every day with things you find around the house that will make a big difference. Are there any home remedies/ tips that are much more successful in doing this than creams? I am starting to get dark circles and my eyes look bogged down (droopy) I like how my eyes look when I wake up.

Do NASCAR drivers use any kind of hand lotion to keep their hands smooth?

Um. I've net several NASCAR driver (Kasey Lahne, Brian Vickers, JPM, Kevin Harvick, Mark Martin, Trevor Bayne, David Ragan, Kurt and Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart, Carl Edwards, and Denny Hamlin) and there was nothing special about their hands.

Help me come up with a name for a country in my novel?

the book is about how everyone on earth disappeared except for people 20 and under in the Western United States. they are ruled by a man named Dexter and his government of cruel teens from rich families. i need a name for the country. i thought of "The New United States of America" or "The Youthful States of America" but both sound lame. help me out? thanks

Does anyone have any recipes for chicken gizzards and livers?

Someone gave me a few packets of chicken gizzards and livers and I don't know what to do with them since i've never had them. I know that I can deepfry them, but I'm hoping there are healthier recipes out there.

How can i manage working nighshift despite the consequences it brings to your health?

hey their...unfortuantely, i work nightshift as a security guard and these are the only hours they have available..i need money so for now im staying here..but i heard working night shift causes weight gain, insomia and the scariest of all AGING FASTER. im terrified of aging faster im only 21 i know im not going to work these hours FOREVER but is it possible to not age faster? how long does it take before you start aging? also, these hours are causing me to get bags under my eyes because when i go home i cant sleep right...yes i know it sucks but i need a job to pay for my new car. yes i know i will look for a new job but for now what can i do? WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS SITUATION.....i dont want to quit, but i dont want my health to deteriote mainly my youthful skin. HELP? THANKS!

I've decided to end my life soon. I grow weary of the struggle.?

do not do this life really is worth living become christian and you shall see the glory of life. i used to feel exactly the same way but when i started going to church a new door opened up for me in life. i saw that being sad all of the time would just ruin my life and everyone around me. even if you are atheist please just try church for one month not doing it for yourself but for the sake of everybody in this world.

What are some amazing and quick recipes?

Grill some chicken or fish season it with salt and pepper then when it's about done squeeze some lemon or lime juice ontop of it pair it with some rice,fresh or steamed veggies and your good to go:)

Halloween Party Ideas?!?

so i know its July but me and my friends are throwing a halloween party in July. we are aware that were weird:). i need ideas! we want fun things to do but something that everyone can do whenever they want and something that doesn't have to be done as a group. recipes would be great too!

Am I a pedophile? If not what am I?

As long as you don't act on it. You are fine. The fact that you are aware shows you not pedophile plus you are a minor. When your in your teenage years your hormones run wild. its pretty normal to be attracted to people who are younger. As long as you arent in adulthood and still attracted to 11-12 year olds its ok. No you are not. As for your second question, you sound like a normal 15 year old to me.

Hunns, am I good parent?

Hunns, this evening I heard some noise in my walk-in closet and when I went to investigate, I was shocked at what I saw. My own child standing there covered in my jewels, wearing my most expensive evening gown, make-up smeared everywhere! I know I should have immediately given a firm scolding, because the shoes did not match the outfit at all, but my yellow hat and pink feather boa looked so darling on him that it almost made up for it. Should I have punished my son for picking the wrong shoes for the outfit or just be grateful that he didn't really over accessorize?

Pea soup from scratch--best ingredients, recipes slow-ish cooking on stovetop?

we are a one-diabetic, one overwieght undernourished female, couple. Not much kitchen space or utensils, is there a source of organic split peas? what about broth. No ham unless it is prepared.

What does FAMILY mean to you ?

F Forever A Always M Mom I Loving Y Young

Good recipes for boogers?

I have fairly big nostrils and so I pick them alot. I would like to know any recipes to cook and eat? they taste good.

What do you think about this?

Generally, when you get a shot in the butt your pants have to be pulled down. I wouldn't say that you can't put your underwear back on, but you would have to pull it down in the back. At least that way you won't have your frank and beans hanging out:)

Does anyone know of any modern/young youthful churches in Chch?

Take your pick, any would do: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can my friend and I sell homemade ice cream in NC?

My friend and I are looking to make some money over the summer. (We are 14) We know some really good recipes for homemade ice cream and we were going to sell it at my house since I live on a main road. I was just wondering if this is even legal in the state of North Carolina. If it is can you tell me where it says this? Thanks :)

Vegetarians eat milk or eggs?

Do vegetarians eat milk or eggs? Or things made with them like breads and cookies? Or do most look for vegetarian recipes? I am going to have company that is vegetarian and I would like to know. Also I am aware of the nasty process made in getting milk and the way hens can be treated. I am not vegetarian but am very careful what I eat. So if not, if you have your own free range chickens that are not given antibiotics and you get milk from a local farm that doesn't use hormones/antibiotics treat cows or calves badly and you could enter and see personally that its what you want it to be, would that change what you would eat? Or is it really just because it comes from an animal?

What seems like a better chocolate cake recipe?

The 1st option, Its a fact that coffee brings out chocolate in cooking also sour cream or if you dont have that mayo makes a cake very moist. Im not sure about the cream of tarter I would amit that...Im sure it wont make a difference, but the 2nd option uses 5 eggs and buttermilk...thats alot of eggs and buttermilk might leave the cake with an aftertaste. Milk is usually not needed when making a cake.

Who pays for bridesmaid dresses?

The bridesmaids and MOH pay for their own dresses, shoes, accessories. The MOH does not have to host a bridal shower, as most people think, but usually do and she and bridesmaids usually go in together and get one bridal gift. If bm can't afford dresses, then discreetly, privately offer to help.

How Do I Make My Skin Look Crystal Clear With Make-up?

first i suggest you use the kat von d tattoo concealer...great stuff, that will help take out the redness, then try maybe the HD foundation by makeup forever now that's the best foundation Ive ever used. that alone might help out...but it also depends on ur acne and how it is...but before you start high school maybe you should wash your face with some of those face cleansers everyday which will probably help lessen the appearance of acne. but good luck :)

Are Virgo Individuals Usually Slu-ts or At Least Behind Close Door Freaks!!!?

Yes. They pretend to be pure, chaste and perfect because Virgos are very introverted and they're very good at hiding emotions.

Any suggestions or critiques for my latest work?

Oh my god its awesome! the way u gathered up all these rhyming words and ideas. simply great ...! amazing job i must say! how long have u been writing poems? and what was your inspiration that made you write poems?

Does anyone have a recipe for sorbet without an ice cream maker?

Any flavour will do. It's just so warm this summer that I need something refreshing to cool me down. I don't have an ice cream maker and I have heard you don't need one for sorbet but all the recipes on the Internet don't make that much sense and they take eight hours or more. Anyone who has a simple quick sorbet recipe that isn't bacon flavoured (yes there was a bacon sorbet online somewhere ew) and doesn't use an ice cream maker will get best answer. Thankyou.

What is the most supported bra out there?(5 stars for best answer)?

I'm a 40DD and I have some bras from victoria secret but there not that supportive I'm only 14 so I want to you know still be youthful so whats the best for me

Can someone please read my essay? The Outsiders?

sparadic, you need to reword and strongly state your thesis with points. Make sure you intorduce each and every quote. You seem to float away from your thesis change your thesis to explain how the theme is incorporated through the dyeing of Ponyboy's hair dyeing. Also for eighth grade that is a really short essay. Unless it is supposed to be that short make it 5 paragraphs and about a page and a half so that you can build your case instead of just throwing things out there.

Wearing the hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Need Recipes! (possibly cookies?)?

I am trying to make some snacks for the week, we dont have many ingredients to use so i was thinking about using Ovaltine in a recipe... any kind of recipe that can be made with (pretty much) cabinet scrapings is gratefully accepted! THANK YOU! (:

Will an atheist inform me of the meaning of the term, "Adamic Sin"?

Hopefully you realize that in order to attain your "paradise earth", you have to DIE first, and before you do, if you live long enough, you WILL get old.

How to make Marshmallow Fondant?

The lemon might give it a lemony flavour, but it shouldn't affect it if you omit it, as long as you add a little more water and or vanilla to make up for the missing liquid. Also the shortening helps with pliability more than the corn syrup would. It sounds gross, I know, but it works. Hope this helps!

Not to make you jealous but this is a typical day in my life ... I feel I am a role model for women on GS ----?

That was the most pointless post I've ever seen. Thank you for lowering my and the entire world wide web's IQ by several points.

A question about "beauty", is it a flaw in God's creation?

St. Augustine said beauty is a gift from God. Beauty is simply a gift. Beauty is fleeting. It really should not be important, but unfortunately it is. A lot of the features that we as humans find attractive are indicators of good health and youth.

Knowledgable Muslims: Are we allowed to look after our faces? Read on.....?

It is encouraged in Islam. This is preservation of what God has provided you with and must be cared for.

How to Get Crystal Clear Skin?

Clear skin..huh.. you'll have to take care of the stuff you eat... junk food total is oily food... try and stay away from the as much as possible.. eat green veggies.. fruits and such healthy stuff..drink lots of eater.. it removes the toxins and all. Stress of any kind also takes a toll on your skin. So babe stress is also a total no.. As far as the doctor thing is considered.. i think you should get a second opinion with an another dermatologist asap. Well I do know of a product that my girl happens to use 'Clear Skin Max' works for her.. its economic is suppose..anyways take care... :D

Has Campbell's Creamy Tomato Parmesan Bisque (to go) been discontinued?

I've looked everywhere (locally) and no one seems to have it. One local grocer told me he could order it if it was in their warehouse but no word yet. I discovered this after a wisdom tooth extraction and was hooked. I'm so desperate, or if anyone knows of a copycat recipe, please post it.

Can I BBQ pork butt (to make pulled pork) on an outside bbq pit without a lid?

We are getting married at a summer camp that has several big outdoor bbq pits. We want to cook pulled pork, but have only found recipes that call for a lid (for smoking purposes). Is there any way we can do it without a lid?

Does being overweight make you look older or younger?

I think younger, because babies seem to look as young as they do because of their chubby cheeks and their eyes, which are usually much bigger proportionally to their face than older people. Plus, when you look at old people, you see that their skin is sometimes stretched very thin, which shows a lack of fat and nutrients. So in short, it makes you look younger.

Is this really true,is it required?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What to bring into hospital?

honestly, the hospital usually supplies pads, diapers, wipes and all that... just bring anything that would make you feel comfortable (pack for about 5 days just in case you have to stay a little longer for any reason)

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Do Toll house cookie recipes actually taste good?

I found a toll house cookie recipe. It seems like a good recipe and has good ratings, but those who have tried it; is it actually good?

What is a good cupcake recipe?

my family really likes cupcakes and we want to make a cupcakes for my birthday. what is a cupcake (that is not too crazy) to make. i am not a huge double chocolate fan :/

19 & Pregnant - Can't decide on abortion...How to tell parents?

Your family can't force you to have an abortion. It's your body, your baby and your decision. Your an adult. You can still pursue your dreams it might just take a little more time. Anything is possible and I understand if your close with your parents but its your life and your lucky to have a boyfriend who is supportive and willing to help because a lot of women your age don't always have that. I just think in the future you might possibly regret your decision if you went though with it. I believe that everything happens for a reason and whatever the outcome is your parents should just learn to deal with it. If you decide that you don't want to have an abortion then just be honest with your parents and do you you want to do not what others want for you. I hope everything works out for you!

Can I move in with my girlfriend's family?

Her parents would have to be given custody of you or temporary guardianship. And that would have to be through your parents. So start kissing butt now. The sooner the better.

Do you think this may possibly work?

You should not ever have to remove your underpants in the hospital. There is a such thing as a code of decency. Don't remove your briefs, there is no reason to. When the nurse or doctor comes in to give the shot, pull your briefs half way, take the shot, pull them up. It is not necessary to be nude under the gown.

What do you think of this story? (long, please read)?

i tlooks like good writing. i like it, it's got good detail and good plotline, sort of. but you could work on punctation and how you organize your sentences if you want to get ti published.

Should I Choose This Ball Gown Wedding Dress?

I like both a lot, probably the first one a little more than the second. The only advice I have is, you mentioned your height...I'm not very tall either and know both gowns would make me look like a cupcake. I would try them (or a similar gown) on first before buying one to make sure the dress doesn't wear you instead of you wearing the dress.

The infamous hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Moms birthday gift ideas from teenager?

My moms birthday is next week and I want to mke it extra special because its the last year before i'm going to college (im also the last kid home, everyone else is moved out) I'm thinking of having a marathon of her favorite shows and getting takeout chinese food to watch togethter since my dad will still be at work. Can you help me think of a good gift idea for her though? Shes in her 50s, but is still youthful

Peach wine- raisins, bananas or grapes for body?

Banana would be a mistake. You'd be left with a thick clingy mess. The best thing to use would be the dried version of the fruit you are distilling, in your case peaches. Think about the raisin for a sec. If you were to cut one in half you could scrape off a sweet paste, the same would happen with the peach. Dried cherries are also good. One of my favorite beverages to make is "cherry bounce"

Is this a worthy beginning for my story?

I think that's really good! I want to keep reading and it's a pretty descriptive begging. I am interested in knowing what time it takes place though and I am also wandering on how to start my story. You did a good job though doing it and I hope you finish the book!

Which wedding gown do you like best?

Dress #6 Is Gorgeous!! Very Elegant and pretty, and the crystal waist brings out a touch of glamour! x

Will someone help me put a metaphor in this poem?

young and old old and young what do i see there are no guns :D the grass ir green grenner then a green bean

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why are older women so jealous of youthful pretty girls?

It is pretty evident that middle aged and older women hate young girls since they attract all the attention. They had their turn when they themselves were young but that ship has sailed long time ago. Will these women ever come to terms with their age?

Where did we go wrong?

I typed in creampie on google in order to read some recipes and some terrible, formidable and disgusting results came up. How did it come down to this?

Did you get any "End of the World" sales items?

I nearly did at Staples. But my youthful storeclerk had to ask her boss. Rats. I nearly received an End of the World Discount.

How to get a flawless radiant complexion without makeup?

I have combination skin which is a little dry on my cheeks and nostrils and oily between my eyebrows, on the bridge of my nose and chin. I am 30 - turning 31 - and my skin is starting to lose it's youthful radiance.

Possibly getting a shot tomorrow?

Depends on where they administer the shot, if it's in your buttocks, they could just pull the underwear down, that's what they did when I got mine. But I had mine in the waist.

I hate my mother, you HAVE to read this, it is all real!?

I hate my mother so much, you seriously have to read this and think if it is normal. No question surrounds that my mother and i have never seen eye to eye. I am a straight a student, achived 3a*s and 8a's at GCSE and 4 A's at A level. My mother's response to me doing well after my sociology a level and getting an a was not well done son but rather i got an a in sociology in the most spiteful and harsh tone ever. Before my a level exam actually it was my mother's day off and she had already said she would not be taking me to school as she wanted a lie in. That was fine, i got the bus to and fro school for every exam and so it didnt bother me, however the way she acted this day really pissed me off. My exam was actually at 2 and she couldnt be bothered to even get out of bed at even 1 o'clock to drive me to school but the reason she would not get out of bed is because i could vividly and clear as day hear her having sex with her boyfriend. I had an important a level exam and my mother refused to take me at 1 o'clcok in the afternoon because she was too busy having sex, surely that's not right!?!. I confronted her about this and her response to this was not i'm sorry but rather, and i quote as i can remember, "it's my house, not your's, i will do what i fuc**ing want". I was ten minutes late for my exam because i had to get the bus but i couldnt even be bothered with the hassle of telling her. 3 days later, i woke up for school and she had left for work, i went in to the bathroom and she had left a used condom in the toilet present for everyone to see, including my 14 year old brother, absolutely disgusting. Her response to this was again, "its my ******ing house, i will do what the fu*k i want". My brother needed the bathroom so i had to fish a used condom out of the toilet. Obviously i confronted her about this and she literally went off on the biggest rant i have ever witnessed, swearing left right and centre, when i was talking to her in a manner, raised as it was due to what she had did, never swearing at her. She has also came down the stair's on christmas day with her dressing gown wide open as she was drunk from the night before. She has done this several times and one time she answered the door to my friend, who was then 15 with here dressing gown, as usual wide open, with everything on show and when i tell her to put some clothes on she constantly for some uknown reason tells me to fu**k off and stop trying to be her dad. This is not the behaviour of a woman functioning normally surely. My brother has also witnessed her having sex with her bedroom door wide open at 9 o'clock in the evening and my brother said her boyfriend (her 2nd boyfriend out of 6 in a space of 6 years actually looked at him and just carried on. My brother was in tears and came into my room. My mother accused him of lying saying he was making it up even though she could be heard clearly even downstairs and he would not lie or make up a story about such a thing. The amount of times my mother has said that she wished i never lived in the house and that she didnt have to know me can not be counted. She talks to me like i am subhuman and near enough every day, every couple of hours tells me to fu**k off and launches into a torrent of abuse for god knows reasons. The very moment i am writing this for instance, just two hours earlier, beacuse i have no money as i am saving up for univeristy and am in the limbo between exam results and university and so can not realisticly find a job that will be happy to employ me and get rid of me in 2 months, i couldnt go out today as i have no money. She launched with abuse about how i have no friends and go fu**k off and live somewhere else. This is commonplace, she constantly swears it me and i cannot honestly remeber the last time she has talked to me without swearing at me, i dont swear at her, you have to believe me, i really dont. This is not normal, i didnt even say anything to her to induce anything! She constantly lowers my self esteem as well and always makes me feel self conscious about my weight and appeareance. On one occasion she said to me do you think your good looking and i replied i'm average i suppose to which, my mother laughed and said something under her breath. This post contains just a small number of incidents with my, and i hate to say it, my mother. I can not begin to express the hundereds of other times she has done stuff like this. On a final note, i will talk about how the last time she has took me and my brother on holiday was when i was 10 years old. I understand she doenst have alot of money but the thing is she has been on holiday every year since with one of her many boyfriends. Do you guys think what i have said in this post is how a normal mother behaves. You have to believe me, i really not am lying, i am not that type of person. Everything i have said here is real. What do you guys think of

Need a good recipe for fresh tasting corn relish for canning anyone please?

My Ball canning book recipe for corn relish tastes way to processed. The book is at least 25 years old. I need a canning recipe for corn relish that has a fresher taste and texture. I cannot use any with mustard seed because of a child's food allergy.

Name brands; Who will stay and who will go?

Now and days teens and young adults all wear hollister, american eagle, abrecrombie, hurley, volcom and thing of that nature. Obviously they haven't been around as long as say Calvin Kline or Levies. What new, youthful brands do you thing will stay around awhile and who do you thing will fade out in the new decade? And what do you think it takes to stay ahead in todays pop cultural clothing market?

Horse Fly Repellent recipe?

I was wondering if I mixed water, washing up liquid, and cider vinegar it would make a somewhat decent fly repellent?

Do you know if this will happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Anyone has a special recipe for fried chicken?

First put 2 cups flour in a large bowl. Add 2 Tablespoons of Garlic powder, 2 Tablespoons of Onion powder, 2 Tablespoons of Seasoned salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Sift or fluff mixture with a fork. In a separate bowl break 2 eggs and add a bit of milk. Whisk thoroughly. Heat a skillet on medium heat with 1/2 inch of oil. Let Skillet get hot before adding chicken. Dip chicken into egg mixture then dredge it into the flour mixture. Place immediately into hot oil in skillet. Turn when side is browned and crispy. Cook totally thru.

Ideas For A 16th Birthday Party?

I'm not looking for a 'sweet 16' and not something that makes a big deal out of my birthday, and nothing that's super youthful like an at home party or a sleep over. Something that older teens would like to do. Also, not extermely expensive. Thanks(:

Baking with only a couple ingrediants (please help!)?

Cinnamon Bread if you have a bread maker. Pancakes, waffles, pasta (if you have a pasta press), cakes don't take yeast but most use milk. Stick with the pancakes. look up recipes at or

Is Tampa a nice place?

I'm thinking about transferring to the University of South Florida and I want to make sure that Tampa is a nice place because I hope it's nothing like Fort Lauderdale or Boca Raton. There's too many old people here and the people are really creeps. Also, the pessimism is pretty high here. Is Tampa more optimistic and youthful like other college towns (Gainesville or Tallahassee)?

Will this have to happen?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What does a guy want and why does he cheat?

I think that the worst stereotype is the thought that all guys are the same. It’s true that we all share a resemblance. Many of us seem like heart breakers that want to get into everyone’s pants. There are a lot of those and sadly the media has influenced society to be that way but that doesn’t mean that were all like that. Believe me when I say that it makes it a lot harder for the rest of us to prove ourselves when all girls see is the stereotype. Besides the media, the want to fit in also plays a large part in how we are, similar to women. The gossiping fad is an example on the girl’s side. Many of us will seem the same because most of us portray a different personality in public which is usually a kind of “hotshot” appearance. The reason being is because on average, a guy has harder time expressing their true emotions and feelings and it takes an abundance of self confidence and security to overcome it. The people who so call themselves “players” usually just means that they have a hard time getting a girl by just being themselves. That type should be an obvious red flag. The reason that I think girls see that as our stereotype, and think were all the same is not because there are more of that type, but because they tend to stand out the most and that’s all the kind of guys woman ever see. As for the rest of us, the one thing that you have to know is that just because a guy likes to talk to you and make you laugh, doesn’t mean they’re hitting on you and want in your pants. It might just mean they like you and would love the opportunity to get to know you better as a person. Sure later on they may chose to want to date you and someday get closer to you if know what I mean, but that’s all guys. You will have to be the judge of character to see what he really wants. Just don’t assume by the cover or within the first few dates. More than half of the time he might not want to even date you and may just be trying to make a friend out of you and wants someone more understanding to talk to. Guys crave smiles and laughs from the opposite gender. Not only does boost their confidence, ego, and makes them feel secure about themselves. But it makes their day to make your day. They may put on a mask at first because their insecure, but if you give them the chance to let them open up and show them that you still like them for who they really are, they will stay that way because they now know that it’s ok to be them self. Not all guys have to open up like that. Some have already developed an openness and confidence about who they really are. However, just because they appear all the same with their “hotshot” look, doesn’t mean they really are. It may just be the style they like to portray. And you can’t argue with differences in appearances. It’s all about what’s on the inside.

Wearing a hospital gown?

When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

Where can I find cute/nice swimwear for a 28 year old?

It seems like everywhere I have looked it's either too matronly or too youthful. I will be on vacation with my family, so no bikinis (I'm pretty sure my dad would not want to see me in something skimpy...nor would I want him to see me in it).

Looking for a chicken white wine sauce recipe?

Chicken breast with sauce of shallots,couple spoons flour,butter, milk and wine reduce and serve over chicken

Anyone know an easy vegetable pasta salad recipe to go with bbq chicken?

how I make my veggie pasta salad is I boil up some fun shaped pasta then I thinly slice up some zucchini or cucumbers, some summer squash, and for a little bit of a kick some banana peppers. Then I wash up either cherry or grape tomatoes or if you don't happen to have any of those around just slice up a regular tomato. I love feta cheese some I crumble some of that into it. For the dressing that goes on it I take 1 part vinegar, 2 parts olive oil, and then I sprinkle in some ground pepper, some chopped up basil(don't put a lot of basil in it because it can really over power stuff), and a touch of oregano. Then I mix everything together and refrigerate for an hour or two or if your in a hurry just serve it the way it is. I hope this helps you out =)

Tell me if my poem is any good please!?

''It was in the bleak hamburger----wrought it's mustard on the floor------hey it's contagious!-----RARE, NO WELL DONE!!! Keep Writing-------you've got talent!----william

How do you make chile bola?

i recently went to a new Mexican restaurant in town that serves chile bola... i have looked for the "recipe" of this and seem to not find one. The server stated they "invented" the dish but i would think someone out there knows how to make it. The menu states it is green pepper, meat and cheese but, i can't believe it can be that simple.

Is this true,is it really required?

When wearing a hospital gown with briefs (tighty whities) underneath,do the briefs have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?

What to wear to a job interview?

You should wear something that shows style and grace yet suitable and professional for your new boss. I love fashion and my friends and family compliment my outfits and creativity with them often. I always dress to impress. Wearing something that is professional is key when approaching a new job. Also depending on the position. But in your case, dress in a way that will show them you think highly of your self and the position you are applying for and that you respect there time. Then add some accessories that show your personality :)... Ive always had great success with the interview process and have been in good standing with all of my previous and current employers. Make sure as well when your in your interview that you are yourself and consider it a time to also evaluate them and see if you would want to work for them. Its as much of an interview for them as it is for you. You most likely will be spending majority of your time working for them.